Friday, September 4, 2009

My name is Kevin Magarino, i am 17 years old i go to Spring Woods high school im interested in anything thats new but I do have things I prefer doing. for example watching television some of my favorite shows include Supernatural, and wrestling. My favorite food is pizza I can eat it everyday an wouldnt get sick of it. I like Rock soft rock not that crazy stuff u cant understand.

What is your favorite subject in school? My favorite subject would have to be psychology, because I want to study it in College. I am really not sure if this is the subject where I excel thats probably biology.

What are your strenghts? Weaknesses? Im good at remembering things I might come in lazy some days.

Do you usually study for tests? How? yes just by reading the material back an forth to myself.

What would you like to learn most from this class? Sports.

How do you think we should divide work in our team? Evenly.

Why would you make a great team memebers? becauise i always keep my promises.

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